Sharon Anderson: Hometown/Homegrown is the only certified Sane Candidate, exposing Health,Housing,Homeless,HateCrimes

Legal Domicile 1058 Summit-Homeless

Legal Domicile 1058 Summit-Homeless
Corrupt-Courts-1988-8thous taxes paid.Intestate Decedants Bill & Bernice A. Peterson Tenants in Common-Sharon Scarrella

Forensic Evidence Taxes Paid

Forensic Evidence Taxes Paid
Corrupt Judge Kathleen Gearin-Malfeasance 42USC3631-RICO18USC1961

State & Federal Courts Deny 1st Amendment to Petition for Redress-Housing,Health,HateCrimes Issues

State & Federal Courts Deny 1st Amendment to Petition for Redress-Housing,Health,HateCrimes Issues
Filing Fees Paid-Homeless-42USC3631

Quiet Title Denied by Clerk Fred Grittner

Quiet Title Denied by Clerk Fred Grittner
Access to Courts Denied-Fraudulent Conveyance-Equity Skimming-flipping-mortgage fraud by court Orders triggering Murder,Disabilitys,Theft,Trespass,Treason, by lying lawyers.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Scoop-Sharon Anderson Legit?

Comments appreciated by Sharon Anderson aka Peterson-Scarrella

« Twin Cities on Leno, at last? Main Ford Little Leage Fields closed »

August 30, 2007 3:41 PM

Is Sharon Anderson legit?

As we’ve noted here in the past, we’re hard at work on this fall’s elections, and had occasion to call perennial candidate and legendary St. Paul character Sharon Anderson and ask for a picture, either to take one or get one from her. The file photo is getting a little stale over at the Pioneer Press.

She’s running against Dave Thune over in Ward 2.

Anyway, she referred us to one of her “50 blogs,” and said we ought to just use her state ID picture. So we went to look at it over at

Sharon's IDIt looks like she managed to get the state to give her an ID for an address where she doesn’t actually live: she lost the home at 1058 Summit Ave. to tax forfeiture nearly 20 years ago. She’s now living over on Dayton’s Bluff, in what she calls her “campaign headquarters,” on Surrey Avenue -- which is not in the ward for which she is a candidate, if you’re keeping track.

Technically, she doesn’t have to live there, either. The law only requires that you be legally eligible to vote in a jurisdiction to which you’re seeking office, which means you can move in in October and still qualify.

Anyway, we called the Department of Public Safety to find out how someone might obtain a driver’s license listing an address where they don’t live. It turns out the state will mail it to you, and routinely and legally does so for people like students who renew their licenses but attend college out of state.

We don’t think Anderson is exactly attending college over on the East Side. “I’d be the richest old bag lady you ever met if I could just get in front of an honest judge,” she told us this afternoon.

But she assured us everything about her residence is on the up and up. “Everything. My mailbox, my voting is on Summit Avenue. So are my bank accounts. Everything… Everything I do is legal.”

A Department of Public Safety spokeswoman, who asked not to be named, citing Sharon's legendary persistence, said her agency looks into cases where there is a discrepency between the address where a person is living and the address listed on their license “if there appears to be a false representation or false documentation.”

But then again, they may not really want to know.

« Twin Cities on Leno, at last? Main Ford Little Leage Fields closed »

Posted by cityhallscoop on August 30, 2007 at 03:41 PM Permalink

Is Sharon Anderson legit?:

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