Sharon Anderson: Hometown/Homegrown is the only certified Sane Candidate, exposing Health,Housing,Homeless,HateCrimes

Legal Domicile 1058 Summit-Homeless

Legal Domicile 1058 Summit-Homeless
Corrupt-Courts-1988-8thous taxes paid.Intestate Decedants Bill & Bernice A. Peterson Tenants in Common-Sharon Scarrella

Forensic Evidence Taxes Paid

Forensic Evidence Taxes Paid
Corrupt Judge Kathleen Gearin-Malfeasance 42USC3631-RICO18USC1961

State & Federal Courts Deny 1st Amendment to Petition for Redress-Housing,Health,HateCrimes Issues

State & Federal Courts Deny 1st Amendment to Petition for Redress-Housing,Health,HateCrimes Issues
Filing Fees Paid-Homeless-42USC3631

Quiet Title Denied by Clerk Fred Grittner

Quiet Title Denied by Clerk Fred Grittner
Access to Courts Denied-Fraudulent Conveyance-Equity Skimming-flipping-mortgage fraud by court Orders triggering Murder,Disabilitys,Theft,Trespass,Treason, by lying lawyers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Citys "taking" without compensation 42USC3631

YouTube - Justice for Barbara Winn

Aaron Foster of the St. Paul Police Department needs to face ...
Watch video - 2 min 43 sec - Rated 2.5 out of 5.0

Tim @ 651-292-1159 its the Labor Day weekend:
Published Statement to Reporter Tim Nelson 29Aug07
Pursuant to your request for WHY ARE YOU RUNNING


1. Balance the City Budget by eliminating
all 42 City Attorneys for misfeasance,nonfeasance,malfeasance
to destroy government records, is reprehensible.State & Federal Indictable RICO Welcome Proof -
a.Eliminate: DSI ie: Department of Safety and Inspection,168 employees, over half are not residence/ voters or taxpayers in the city of stpaul, duplicating employees from the Police and Fire:
Taxaction without Representation
b. Eliminating all Forgivable and Deferred Loans, Heinous Abuse Vacant Buildings as of August 1, 2007 of FEE'S v. TAX LEVYS,
Illegal Sheriff Sales constituting

c. Eliminate the Ratification of Assessments based on Theft,Trespass,Treason are null and
void, levied against propertys to confiscate the proper ty for Pecuniary Gain of City EmployeesUS v Warner RICO
D. Eliminate Traffic Court by Ordinance

Click here: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Houston Field Division Department of Justice Press Release - Department of Justi

CNBarb Winn v. Aaron Foster - Google Search Tim the word indictedindictment - Google Search
BlogItBabe2007 Candidate profile Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefs Sharon4Anderson St.Paul City Council Ward2 SA-Blogs2007
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835: Document's are based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, press releases, and knowledge gained as financial journalists, Private Attorney Generals, Candidates for Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade recommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting on that

Reporter Tim Nelson

Relative to Thune's Aide Barb Benson, the 1058SummitTax her apparent ex-husband Bob Benson and Joan Bauer (sp) apparantly paying over $700,000.00 cash for my Homestead??????? contrary to Lesbian Judge Kathleen Gearin flipping/embellzing $110,000.00 1998 without quiet titles...........NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON MURDER AND FRAUD.

Monday, August 20, 2007

SPAAR Questionaire

Candidate Questionnaire St. Paul Area Association of REALTORS - Local Regulations

Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS®

Thank you for taking the time to respond to REALTOR® concerns. When you have completed

this questionnaire, return it to Candidate Survey, c/o Patrick Ruble via fax at 651-772-6363 or by

e-mail at 42 USC 3631

Name: Sharon Anderson

Address: Legal Residence1058Summit_Tax2007 /PO Box 4384 St. Paul, MN 551040384___ Intestate

Decedant of .697 SurreySingleFamily

Phone: 651-776-5835_ Fax


Occupation/Profession:Hobby’s Politics & Retired Realestate Entreprenuer/Current


Office candidate is seeking: St. Paul City Council Ward (2)

Does your campaign accept Political Action Committee contributions? ___ Yes, _X_ No

Your comments will be posted on our website.

REALTORS® believe that communities should prepare growth policies that ensure an adequate

supply of land for housing of all types and price levels, that promote the wise use of land by

permitting the development of high density, walkable, mixed-use communities in appropriate

locations, and that provide for land and natural resource preservation. The major tools that

communities use to manage land use are comprehensive planning, zoning ordinances, and growth

management policies. REALTORS® support land use regulations that strike a fair and reasonable balance between private property rights and community interests. If elected, how will

you work to ensure this balance for citizens of Saint Paul?

"Fiduciary Accountability" Sharons compact will grant “due process”,

which the current city council 's refusal to look at the entire records , techinally granting summary judgment of council research legislative agency without notice and an opportunity to respond as required by statute causing "major adverse actions" entitling all Vacant Buildings as of August 1, 2007 "just conpensation" due process's procedural protections, including advance notice and an opportunity to respond, with the entire records. Examples of State and Federal legal actions

re: and

re: Power of Attorney and Writ of Prohibition Sharon's Northern property's plusRules of Perpetuity - Google Search 1 near Hazardus Waste Dump, Gravel Pit, polluted Gun Lake unabated by local and State officials….Buck Lake, Gull Lake and Gun Lake propertys: Sharon is owner in fee simple absolute, equity skimming, flipping, fraudulent conveyance's causing Budgetary negatives is "frightening" as the City is self insured

325 N.Wilder 6unit448Desnoyer Duplex2194MarshallDuplex

309Pelham 1/3rd at

2. Transportation needs and concerns have increasingly become an issue in the Twin Cities metro area and threatens to diminish the “quality of life” as we know it. Commute times are longer, repair and maintenance costs continue to outpace residents and business owners expect and even demand better, faster and more convenient access to safe and convenient roads and transit alternatives. In your view is this assessment of the metro area’s transportation needs (both roads and transit) accurate and

should they be addressed immediately. As an elected official what will you do to resolve these concerns and promote the road and transit needs in Saint Paul?

Sharon agrees with SPAAR

1. With the Collapse

of 35 Bridge, We must tighten our belts to insure Ward 2 Bridges, Lafayette,Smith High Bridge,3rd &7th,Wabasha Bridges are Safe

2.The Citys Bizzare Theft of Cars, mandated Police Pollution of Police Impound Lot, has forced

Sharon to take the Bus, Sharon has a 94 Peterbilt in Aitkin denied use of ,Sharon opposes Central Corridor, we cannot afford, Citys misuse of disabled parking meters,

Reinstate residency requirements,to ease Highway Travel, 90% of Police do not live in St. Paul or Ramsey County, 1 comes from Cambridge, By info and belief ½ of City Employees do not Vote or live in St. Paul or Ramsey County, constituting major Stress,Traffic Road

Rage, Bring back Street Cars, Double Decker Bus’s like in London.

3. Taxes in general and property taxes in particular are of major concern to home owners and

REALTORS®. State and local officials continuously seek new means of raising revenue, either by imposing fees or increasing the tax levy. What is your philosophy on these two methods of generating revenue? How do you intend to balance the needs of Saint Paul and the expectations of residents?

Sharon will enforce by ordinance: Separation of Powers Doctrine, legislative approves the Funding: Federal Fair Housing Laws & Executive Orders - Real Estate Center

Abolish Property Tax’s Regressive,Eminent Domain Reform

Abolish the Citys Bizzare Ratification of Assessments based on Theft,Trespass,Treason and Major Fraud, charging $240.00 pr hour, double

challenge constitutionality of "Excessive Consumption" via MS 645.Canons of Construction for equity,uniformity on the citizenery,double dipping on Salarys Example Bob Kessler of DSImakes 99 thous yrly plus his Pension-Parisite from the City.

Abolish DSI as abusive, Constitutionally Criminally violating the

Homeowners with 1,217 vacant buildings, Pecuniary Greed of out of towners Steve Magner acting in concort with Renovation Inc ie: Wally Nelson re: Flannery Construction

Dick Lippert and others. Defendants in Federal Court found at

4. REALTORS® know that homeownership adds to the quality and stability of neighborhoods and communities. What do you feel are the biggest issues facing Saint Paul that will affect its quality of life and community stability?

"The Bizzare condemnation/demolition of alleged vacant buildings, without Quiet Titles, in Historic Area’s Flipping, is a CrimeFalse Statements to Mortgages Title 18s 1001 False Statements

is an example. may be a City within a city?

but who will afford the rents or ownerships?

5. What will be/are your top five goals in the office you are seeking?

1. Any all ordinances that hint of constitutional violations must be referred to Attorneys for Legal Opinion,

By information and belief the City has over reached its Mortgage Capacity: Sharon will EnforceFederal Reserve Board: Regulations

FIAFEA AND FIRREA in the STAR Bonded Indebtness, Eliminate Deferred andFDIC: FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts - Consumer Protection

Forgivable Loans.must be immediately addressed.

6. s2. Any city council person who votes without reading the entire records to condemn/demolish, Must resign violating OATH of Office

3.Must be given “due process”

Just compensation

/. Challenge Unpublished Opinions as contrary to Separation of Powers, cannot set precedants.

4. Safety of Ward 2 Bridges, Drinking Water,Environmenta

Concerns Cop Corruption is major issue.

7. 5. Sharon has grave concerns for the Republican Convention 2008 Safety.

6. Do any of your goals or plans relate to housing and home ownership? YOU BET THEY DO

BLOCKED? proof of taxes paid, on Legal Residence 1058 has been illegally blocked re: and

Summit with Tenant in Common intestate decedants Bill & Bernice Peterson, my parents

7. REALTORS don't just sell homes, they sell neighborhoods, and they sell communities. In

what ways can your area REALTORS be better partners marketing and selling the

region as a great place to live, work, play, and do business? Have Marketable Titles, Lets face it St. Paul is likened to a Chicago Ghetto, the Manulipation, Misuse of STAR Moneys for targeted Areas have created undue, unreasonable terror on the Homeowners

8. In Daytons Bluff, Rice Street North End, contrary to 42USC 3631


/s/Sharon Anderson aka Peterson-Chergosky-Scarrella for Title Search

ECF: P165913 Pacer: sa1299